quotes from the grand maté cup of life

celebrations of organic maté, the glorious town of manitou springs, and ridiculous things... from those who know them best.

Thursday, April 20, 2006


...which stands for manitou mate memory.

I could have used some 'o that green stuff at work yesterday. I forgot how fat and unhealthy everyone is in Indiana. On the upside, it's done great things for my self esteem. I am one of the 5 thinnest people at my work, out of 70 people. And ya'll know what I look like.

So anyway, nobody knew what I was talking about. That happens a lot out here. Mention mate, organic, or tofu, and people look at you like you've grown a second head. Or a third nipple. Whichever is more interesting. But I'm trying to buck the system. And the other day, I saw a Honda with a roof rack and a colorado lisence plate. And I honked.

Lastly, I checked out my old homes on google earth, and my car is officially parked at 6 Spencer Ave AND 832 Emerson. Hopefully, on the net at least, they will be forever.


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